Daniel 10 and 12, Revelation 12 and Luke 10. Dear friends in Christ: In this life, there will be days of war and days of peace. Today, thankfully, is a day of peace. At least it seems to be. No …
Text: Luke 14:1-14 Grace, mercy and peace be to you from God our Father and from our Lord and Savior Jesus. Amen. Dear friends in Christ: Many of us begin our meals by praying: “Come, Lord Jesus, be our guest …
Sermon on Luke 10:25-37 The Gospel text just read is certainly one of the greatest in all of Scripture. But why is it great? Is it great because of the beautiful example of goodness shown by the merciful neighbor? Is …
Rev. 21:3 “When a woman is giving birth, she has sorrow because her hour has come.” So says Jesus in the Gospel lesson just read (John 16:12-22). By “sorrow” he means the pain. The great pain. “But when she has …
Luke 9:28-36 Transfiguration Sunday. “What a glorious sight!” That’s what I always say to myself whenever I go up on a mountain. There’s so much to see! I love taking in the view. But Peter, James and John didn’t seem …
Acts 2:22-36. Every year on Trinity Sunday, we read as our second reading the concluding verses of Peter’s Pentecost sermon, as recorded in Acts 2. It is important that we finish up the message that was begun last Sunday. Even …
Text: John 1:1-18 Christmas Day is the highpoint of the Church’s celebration of Christ’s birth. As such, it is fitting that we read St. John’s account of his birth on this day, for this account goes beyond just the telling …
Text: Ephesians 4:1-8 and Mark 12:38-44 “She put in more than all the others.” That’s what Jesus said about the widow. Her gift was more, because it was everything—all she had. One Hundred percent. And, her gift was more because …
Revelation 14:6-7 In the Gospel lesson just read (Matthew 11:12-19), Jesus makes some rather pointed comments about his generation. The short parable he tells marks them as self-centered. His follow-up remarks paint them as unfairly critical of others. Like Jesus, …
Mark 10:2-16 Today’s sermon is based on the Gospel lesson just read. To start us out, I’d like to tell you about an article I read last week. Perhaps you saw it too as it circled around the internet. The …