Fifth Sunday after Epiphany Children’s Bulletin, Good News for Families +
Why we lament
In 2020, the coronavirus pandemic struck America during the middle of Lent, a season associated with deprivation. Some people made light of the shutdowns, joking, “I didn’t mean to give up this much for Lent!” Others asked why the suffering was occurring in the first place.
Professor N.T. Wright, in an essay for Time, explains that asking “why?” but receiving no answer is key to biblical lamenting. Adding to the mystery, he says, is that God also laments — grieving at the wickedness of humans, despairing over Israel’s unfaithfulness. Jesus cries at a friend’s tomb; the Holy Spirit groans in anguish.
“Part of the Christian vocation,” Wright concludes, is not being able to explain why but lamenting instead. “As the Spirit laments within us,” he says, “so we become, even in our self-isolation, small shrines where the presence and healing love of God can dwell. And out of that there can emerge new possibilities … new hope.”
Bible Quiz
What was the name of Moses’ wife?
A. Miriam
B. Jochebed
C. Zipporah
D. Leah
Answer: C (See Exodus 2:21.)