Summer 2019
New is good… right? Sing to the Lord a … (what kind?)… new song!
But what about the confusion? It might take me a while to learn that new song. What if I never get it? And in the meantime I’m… (I’ll admit it)… frustrated. I sang the old song so well. What was wrong with that one?
This summer at St. Paul’s we’re learning some new songs. Not a lot, a few. But what has me thinking about newness right now is our website. We want to have a new look. And I’m trying to navigate the new tools for editing it. Not sure I’m having much success yet. In fact I’m finding it a little… (I’ll admit it)… frustrating.
I know the new song/website is good. It’s needed. It will help in the long run. In the meantime… I pray for patience and perspective. Lord, help me remember the joy that newness brings. Help me remember the benefits that will come. Help me manage my frustration. Help me to grow!
Here’s post #1. Thanks for reading. May God bless you as you sing your new songs!
Pastor Mark