Isaiah 40:21-31 Grace, mercy and peace be to you from God our Father and from our Lord and Savior Jesus. Amen. Dear friends in Christ: The Gospel lesson we just read begins with Jesus performing acts of physical healing. Those …
Matthew 2:1-12 Grace, mercy and peace be to you from God our Father and from our Lord and Savior Jesus. Amen. Dear friends in Christ: When Jesus was born, the message of his birth was first announced to shepherds. We …
John 8:31-36 Dear friends in Christ, today is a very special day. On this day, people throughout the world are observing the 500th anniversary of the beginning of a great movement that changed the world. 500 years ago, a little-known Augustinian …
The women who saw the empty tomb on that first Easter morning ran away from it with fear and great joy (Matthew 28:8). I’ve always been struck by that description. Fear and great joy—those are two emotions that don’t often …
Today’s Gospel reading is another of the long conversations, as recorded in John’s Gospel, between Jesus and a person he met during his days of ministry. In chapter three Jesus spoke to Nicodemus, a ruler of the people, who came …
Lenten Theme: The Art of Living by Faith Text: Romans 4:13-25 “You are dust, and to dust you shall return.” When the church says this to our face, while applying ashes to our face, it is reminding us, in the starkest and …
“Unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord.” He was born there… in the city of David… in that place, at that time. But of course, we wish for him to be …
On this last Sunday of the church year, we Christians joyfully proclaim Christ Jesus as King. We say he is both our king and king over the whole world. The Gospel reading for today, however, reminds us that Jesus is a very different …
A sermon for Labor Day weekend. Dear friends in Christ: Our second reading today, from the book of Philemon, is a letter from Paul designed to repair the relationship between two men—Philemon and Onesimus. Since their relationship was a work …
Dear friends in Christ: Did Jesus just call us “evil?” His main message in this text is about prayer, but included in one of his points is the line which says: “If you, then, who are evil…” and he seems …